San Shou Kuan – Chinese Kickboxing
1. Try a Class.
Hertfordshire + Essex kickboxing classes
For your initial classes it is fine to train in your own clothing, anything that is loose and comfortable is fine. (typically T-shirt, shorts/tracksuit bottoms) Classes are conducted in bare feet, so you won’t need trainers or special footwear. As you get nearer to gradings you will need our martial arts uniform.
2. Get membership (after a Free trial class)
Appropriate membership and insurance is a requirement. It is only with this that you are allowed to fully participate in the entire class and this is the mechanism to enable you to take gradings.
However our insurance does allow you to try a class before you join – although you won’t be allowed to spar with other beginners.
3. DON’T PANIC !…. Every Black Belt started as a Novice once… We have not forgotten this simple truth, we expect you to make mistakes as you learn – just like we did and still do!
You will find our instructors very encouraging, positive and knowledgeable as you would expect from any professional coach who has spent years learning their craft.

You don’t have to be “fit”, “superfit”, “Super flexible”, “get fit before I start”, “done another martial art before” or “be young” to start a class !
Nor are you “too unfit”, “too overweight”, “too inflexible” or “too old to train”.…
You simply need to turn up and try and keep turning up to make progress…
Those quotes are concerns voiced by many people when they first started including some of our Black Belt instructors – who are simply white belts that never gave up.
Class Structure:
- A progressive syllabus to build up your fitness, abilities and skill through four types of class:
traditional / fighters / children / classic-rehab (for older or injured athletes) - 1st hour 80 percent core basics + different weekly ‘bolt on modules’ : pad work, sparring a tall person, fighting a boxer, etc
- Be Sport specific, “we must expect our training to match reality, rather than reality match our training”
See our FAQ page if you have more concerns about starting a martial art class, or best still simply turn up and chat to your local instructor, meet the person who will be teaching you and your fellow classmates.
(If you are intending to enter a San Shou tournament you will need red and blue shorts as well as groin guard, gum shield, gloves and pads. Although these are not required to go to your initial classes these are items you may wish to consider purchasing – you will never be forced or expected to compete, that is totally your choice)

There are four main types of class: Children’s, Traditional, Sparring and Classic.
The children’s class: is aimed at 5-10 years helping children develop their co-ordination, awareness and fitness through games loosely based around martial art skills.
The Traditional kickboxing class: covers all aspects of martial art training – ideal for people wanting to develop their skills and fitness.
Sparring Class: This is a fighter’s class, not exclusively for adults wishing to compete in full contact stand up sanctioned competitions, some people simply want to be “fighting fit”.
Classic Class, San Shou Kuan: This class is ideal for much older adults, who don’t want to lose all their martial art skills and mental faculties but nor do they seek the full contact ‘tear up’ with someone much younger. Also ideal for people coming back to training after a long absence or injury.
(currently vacancies for ‘senior’ Black Belts to teach this session…contact us to discuss syllabus – ideal for senior instructors who are NOT prepared to let their knowledge and body rust away!)