SSK Little Dragon (LD) Application form

 Parents. come along and train.. get fit and learn the skills to benefit you and your child !
(Parents who assisst at LD classes can get discounts and we’ll put your through appropriate Safeguarding and coaching courses)

Teaching Team:
Sifu David Nicholls MSc (Sports & Exercise Science) 6th Degree Black Belt
Sifu  & CPO  Nic Cumming 3rd  Degree Black Belt (Child Protection Officer)
Sifu Jane Anderson  2nd Degree Black Belt
Sifu Emmanuel Nnatuanya 1st Degree Black Belt
Sifu Adam Hawkins  1st Degree Black Belt
Graham Hawkins  Brown Belt
Sifu Matt Bithel     1st Degree Black Belt
Sifu Leah Roberts 1st Degree Black Belt
Jo Hinchliffe Brown Belt

Please complete SSK membership form and make payment
(for membership and cover to commence) :-

 Membership cover is based on continuous payment  (classes run all year, excluding 2 weeks Christmas holidays and during competitions – which children can enter).


Membership Application Form

Membership Application Form

NOTE: If you need to go back, use the 'Back' button at the bottom of the form. NOT 'refresh' or the back arrow on your browser!
(Using '<-' back arrow, may cause the form to add charges when you revisit next section of the form)

‎ Application Type

Please select the correct application type below





*On 1 December 2012 the work of the Criminal Records
Bureau (CRB) was merged with the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) to form the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
From 1 December ‘CRB checks’ will be known as ‘DBS checks’.




Little Dragons Application Form

Get In Touch


C/O Tokei Centre,
Magdalen Street,
London Bridge,


07446 037 467
07968 282 085