Past events page. For forthcoming events refer to the SSK Diary.
We recommend that if you are not currently a member of SSK that you complete the online form to receive alerts, notifications and offers; that you follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; and you Bookmark our SSK Diary and check it often.
December 2024
- SUN 8 DEC San Shou Kuan Black Belt Grading: 1pm Dan Tien, Watford (all classes still on after)
- MON 16 DEC Regional Grading: Old Street Class, London. 6:30pm
BRING: £15 grading fee, signed form, SSK uniform) - SUN 22 DEC Regional Grading: Watford 4:30 for Little Dragons 6:00 for adults and teens, Dan Tien.
(Grading enrollment 6:15 pm following 1 hour class/preperation session at 5:30)
November 2024
- SAT 02-NOV BCCMA National Junior Qingda Competition (Light Contact sparring 5-17 years), Herts
- Sun 03-NOV BCCMA National Shuai Jiao Championships 2023 (Chinese Wrestling – Junior 14-17 years and Adult 18-45 years)
(Spectators Doors open 10am @ Nuffield Health Fitness Centre, Royal Masonic School, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 4HF COMPETITORS 08:30 Registration!)
- SUN 17-NOV Regional Grading: N. Wales Neuadd Frethyn 9 ogwen terrace. 11am practice 12pm grading
- WED 20-NOV Regional Grading: Denmark 7pm (6pm GMT)
October 2024
- SUN 13-OCT First Aid Cert. course hosted by Dan Tien, Watford .( £45 members £75 non.)
- TBC BCCMA Sanda Judging Course, Haywood Heath, Sussex 10-4pm Free to members
September 2024
- SUN 22-SEP SSK Regional Grading, Dan Tien, Watford .
(Grading enrollment 6:15 pm following 1 hour class/preperation session at 5:30)
BRING: £15 grading fee, signed form, SSK uniform) - MON 30-SEP SSK Regional Grading, Old Street Class, London.
BRING: £15 grading fee, signed form, SSK uniform)
BCCMA Safeguarding for Martial Arts Coaches (Online )
BCCMA National Governing Body Level 2 Course – Basingstoke
BCCMA TaiJiquan / Taijijian Routines Judging Course (Watford)
Date: 22/09/2024 Price: £0.00 More Information
BCCMA National Governing Body Level 2 Course – Online (Virtual Classroom – Refresher
August 2024
BCCMA National Governing Body (NGB) Level 2 –Online
BCCMA Professional Standard COACH (Part 2) [Endorsed by CIMSPA]
July 2024
- SUN 07-JUL BCCMA National Junior Qingda (Light Contact sparring Juniors 5-17 years),RMS Herts
- SAT 13-JUL BCCMA National Wushu Open Taolu, Derby
- SUN 21-JUL San Shou Kuan Black Belt Grading 3pm Dan Tien, Watford (all classes still on after)
- SAT 27-JUL GB BCCMA National Youth Sanda + Adult Qingda Championships RMS, Herts
- TUE 30-JUL SSK Regional Grading, Odense Sportscentrum, Denmark .
(Grading at 8pm following 1 hour class/preparation session at 7pm)
BRING: 150 kr grading fee, signed form, SSK uniform)
June 2024
- SUN 09-JUN SSK Regional Grading Main Hall, Bethesda . N. WALES. (grading at 1pm warm up 12)
- SUN 09-JUN BCCMA First Aid Cert. course hosted by Dan Tien, Watford .( £45 members £75 non.)
- SUN 09-JUN BCCMA NGB Level 3 Physical Conditioning course .( £30 members £65 non.)
- SUN 23-JUN SSK Regional Grading, Dan Tien, Watford .
(Grading at 6:30pm following 1 hour class/preperation session at 5:30
BRING: £15 grading fee, signed form, SSK uniform) - SAT 29-JUN SSK Regional Grading, Tokei Centre, London Bridge. Grading commences at 5.15pm following the class at 4pm. Remember to bring the £15 Grading Fee; Signed Grading Form and your SSK uniform.
May 2024
- 3-5 May European Wushu and Sanda Championship, Stockholm, Sweden (David N. EXEC attending)
- 12-MAY BCCMA NGB Level 2 Coaching course Online Refresher .( £30 members £65 non.)
April 2024
21-APR BCCMA NGB Level 2 Coaching course Online .( £40 members £80 non Members)
March 2024
- WED 6 Mar SSK @7:15 Regional Grading, London – Old Street Hoxton N1 5EH
- SUN 17-Mar SSK Regional Grading, N. WalesPostponed
Grading at 2:30pm Neuadd Frethyn, High St Bethesda (Fitzpatricks). - 17-MarBCCMA NGB Level 3 Nutrition course Online .( £35 members £85 non Members)
- SUN 24-Mar SSK Regional Grading, Dan Tien, Watford .
(Grading at 6:30pm following 1 hour class/preperation session at 5:30)
December 2023
- SAT 09-DEC SSK Regional Grading , Tokei Centre, London Bridge, London
- TUE 19-DEC SSK Regional Grading at 7:30pm , Dan Tien, Watford .
November 2023
- SAT 04-NOV BCCMA National Junior Qingda Championships 2022 (Light Contact sparring for Juniors 5-17 years of age).
- Sun 05-NOV National Shuai Jiao Championships 2023 (Chinese Wrestling – Junior 14-17 years and Adult 18-45 years)
- (Spectators Doors open 10am @ Nuffield Health Fitness Centre, Royal Masonic School, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 4HF COMPETITORS 08:30 Registration!)
October 2023
- SUN 15-OCT BCCMA First Aid Cert. course hosted by Dan Tien, Watford .( £45 members £75 non.)
- SUN 22-OCT BCCMA Sanda Judging Course, Haywood Heath, Sussex 10-4pm Free to members
- SUN 22-OCT SSK Regional Grading , Bethesda, N. Wales
September 2023
SUN 24-SEP SSK Regional Grading, Dan Tien, Watford . (Grading at 6:30pm following 1 hour class/preperation session at 5:30)
July 2023
- SAT 15-JUL GB BCCMA National Youth Sanda + Adult Qingda Championships RMS, Rickmansworth, Herts
June 2023
- SUN 25-JUN SSK Taolu comp Watford (And Regional Grading)
(& potential Novice Sanda workshop/Competition for those not competing in July)
March 2023
- Sun 18th Regional Grading 6:30 pm Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ.
December 2022
- SAT 05-DEC Safeguarding for Martial Arts Coaches (Online virtual classroom)
November 2022
- SAT 05-NOV National Shuai Jiao Championships 2022 (Chinese Wrestling – Junior 14-17 years and Adult 18-45 years)
- SAT 05-NOV BCCMA National Junior Qingda Championships 2022 (Light Contact sparring for Juniors 5-17 years of age).
Doors open 10am @ Nutfield Health Fitness Centre, Royal Masonic School, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 4HF
- SUN 06-NOV National Governing Body Level 2 Course – Online (Virtual Classroom)
- SUN 13-NOV National Governing Body Level 3 Course Nutrition REFRESHER (Online virtual classroom)
- SUN 20-NOV National Governing Body Level 2 Course – Online (Virtual Classroom – Refresher)
- SUN 26-NOV GB Sanda Squad Training Haywards Heath
October 2022
- SAT 08-OCT BCCMA Shuai Jiao Judging Course, Tottenham North London Free to members
- SUN 09-OCT BCCMA L3 National Governing Body 3 Course Physical Conditioning (Online classroom)
- SUN 16-OCT Level 3 Course Biomechanics Sports Injuries Refresher (Online virtual classroom)
- SUN 29-OCT GB Sanda Squad Training Haywards Heath
September 2022
- SUN 24-SEP GB Sanda Squad Training Haywards Heath
August 2022
- SUN 30-AUG GB Sanda Squad Training Haywards Heath
July 2022
- SAT 03-JUL BCCMA Sanda Judging Course, Haywood Heath, Sussex 10-4pm Free to members
- SUN 17-JUL BCCMA L3 Physical Conditioning Course (on-line)
- SUN 24-JUL GB BCCMA National SanDa + Qingda Championships Hatfield Herts
June 2022
- SUN 12-JUN BCCMA L2 Coaching Course (on-line)
- SAT 25-JUN SSK Taolu comp Watford*
- SAT 25-JUN GB SanDa Squad Training Haywards Heath start time 12:30
- SUN 26-JUN SSK BLACK BELT GRADING & SanDa workshop/Competition Dan Tien Watford Time TBC
May 2022
- SAT 07-MAY BCCMA Safeguarding Course (on-line)
- SAT 28-MAY GB SanDa Squad Training Haywards Heath start time 12:30
- SUN 29-MAY BCCMA L3 Nutrition Course (on-line_SUN 29-MAY BCCMA First Aid Course Dan Tien Centre Watford start time 9:30am
April 2022
- SUN 10-APR BCCMA Level 2 Coaching Course (on-line)
- SUN 24-APR BCCMA Level 3 Biomechanics & Injury Rehab Course (on-line)
- SAT 30-APR GB SanDa Squad Training Haywards Heath start time 12:30
March 2022
- SAT 05-MAR SSK Regional Grading – London Tokei Centre London Bridge SE1 2EN start time 4pm
- SUN 13-MAR SSK Regional Grading – Home Counties Dan Tien Centre Watford start time 5:30pm
- SUN 20-MAR SSK Regional Grading – North Wales
- SAT 26-MAR GB SanDa Squad Training Haywards Heath start time 12:30
February 2022
- SAT 26-FEB GB SanDa Squad Training Haywards Heath start time 12:30
- SUN 27-FEB BCCMA L3 Psychology Course (on-line)
December 2021
- Sun 12th Regional Grading 6:30 pm Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ.
( Little Dragons Mini grading 4:30pm )
- Annual Awards commences after this Regional grading (Scaled down due to Covid closures during the year)
- Instructors Please note: if you have not maintained monthly class register submissions, your students may be ineligible for some awards)
November 2021
- Sat 27th Regional Grading. 4pm The Tokei Centre Magdalen Street, London Bridge SE1 2EN
- Sun 28th Regional Grading. 3:30pm (Class 1-3) Tregarth nr Bangor, Wales. LL57 4AW
December 2020
- Sun 6th Black Belt Grading and Annual Awards, 2 -5pm Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ. The Annual Awards commences after the Black Belt grading ends. POST PONED till 2021
- Instructors Please note: if you have not maintained monthly class register submissions, your students may be ineligible for some awards)
- Mon 14th Regional Grading in 6pm Tokie Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN (then closed for Xmas)
- Sun 20th Regional Grading 6:15pm Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ (then closed for Xmas – Reopen Jan 5th )
(Gradings will Covid Compliant with social distancing, contact aspects deferred till next grading unless partnered with someone from your household)
November 2020
- Mon 16th Regional Grading. 8pm The Tokei Centre Magdalen Street, London Bridge SE1 2EN
- Sun 15th BCCMA Sports Psychology (develop winning mentality, combat competition anxiety) 12:30-4 pm; Dan Tien Centre, Watford WD24 6NJ. Booking via
October 2020
- Sat 24th BCCMA Sports Coach First Aid Cert training course 10- 4:30pm. St Michaels Church (next door to Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ) see for info and application form.
- Sun 25th BCCMA Coaching Course Level 2: 10am-5pm, Dan Tien Centre, Watford WD24 6NJ Booking via
This is what you would have been missing if our normal programme was running during the pandemic period:
September 2020
Sun 5th Regional Grading @ 5:30pm @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
(Possibly with informal youth Sanda / Qingda comp. London Bow students invited to spar with Watford Students help prepare for National comp on Nov 7th )
Sat 12th Regional Grading @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @4pm
Sun 13th BCCMA Basic Biomechanics – (Injury awareness and Sports Rehab.) @ 12:30- 4pm @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ Price: Member £20 BCCMA Non member £60 non members)
Sun 20thThe SSK Development and Revision Workshop: TBC
2:30-5:30 @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6N
July 2020 (no events in Aug)
Sat 27th Regional Grading @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @5:30pm
(and potentially Picnic after in Potters Field !)
Sat 25th BCCMA British National Wushu Kung Fu Championships @ Hatfield Uni . (whole day sparring and forms comp) (SSK 2019 team of 7 won 6 National medals)
June 2020
Tues 2nd Regional Grading @ 7:30pm, @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24
Possibly in Taolu competition format* and Sanda comp option
(*Grading candidates: 3 forms on the day; Your grading form twice [best mark used] plus 1 revision form – ‘dress rehearsal’ for later comps )
Sat 6th Regional Grading @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @4pm
Sat 13th Black Belt Grading, @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @4 pm
Sat 27th BCCMA Sanda Judging Course @ 10am-4pm @ K2 Centre Crawley, RH11 9BQ (Free to BCCMA members – recommended for all experienced fighters and coaches)
May 2020
Sunday 3rd BCCMA Coaching Course Level 2: @ 10am-5pm, @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ ( other L2 venues available see )
April 2020
Sunday 19th BCCMA Fitness Assessment, (Improve your Fitness Training) @ 10am-4pm @ Dan Tien, Watford, WD24 6NJ Price: Members £30 Non members £65
Booking via All SSK members are BCCMA members. You will need to contact Tanja if you don’t have your current BCCMA membership number.
March 2020
Tues 3rd Regional Grading, @ 8:30pm @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ (after First hour of Nic’s class)Sat 7th Regional Grading @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @4pm
Sunday 22nd BCCMA Sports Coach First Aid Cert training course 10- 4:30pm
@ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ Price: Members £30.00 Non members £60
February 2020
Sun Feb 16th BCCMA Nutrition Workshop (Eat better, train better) @ 10:00-4pm @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ Price Members £25 Non Members £65
Booking via All SSK members are BCCMA members, you will need to contact Tanja ( if you don’t have your current BCCMA membership number. ( Note: BCCMA run additional L2 courses at other venues)
Sat 29th SFN8 – Sanda Fight Night 8 @ 12pm-8pm @ K2 Centre Crawley, RH11 9BQ Youth, Novice and Title fights – Come and support SSK fighters taking part.
January 2020
20th -24th (5 days x 3 hours/day)SSK Intensive kickboxing course in conjunction with ID Intensive: BASSC Martial Unarmed (Accredited) 9 day course
(SSK members can train for 3 hours every day, concluding with
Regional Grading on Friday 24th @12:15
(contact David SSK or Ronin at ID for details – SSK members are welcome to join the SSK segments of this course)
(Jan 25th Chinese New Year – Year of the Rat)
December 2019
November 2019
20th -24th SSK Intensive kickboxing course in conjunction with ID Intensive: 3 hours per day of intensive training followed by an examination on Friday 24th 12:15pm
Sunday 1st Black Belt Grading, @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, followed by the SSK Annual Awards ceremony
Sunday 15th Regional Grading, @ 6:15pm @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford
Saturday 2nd BCCMA British Children and Youth Sparring Championships Herts Sports Village, Hatfield
Sunday 3rd BCCMA National Tai Chi Championship Herts Sports Village, Hatfielday
Saturday 9th Regional Grading The Church of Our Lady St. Catherine of Siena.
177 Bow Rd East London
Sunday 10th BCCMA Sports Psychology (develop winning mentality, combat competition anxiety) Dan Tien, Watford
Booking via All SSK members are BCCMA members, you will need to contact Tanja ( if you don’t have your current BCCMA membership number.
October 2019
Sunday 13th The SSK Development and Revision Workshops: (2 Sessions):
11:30-1:30 Open session: SSK Revision of forms and Pre-tests £10 SSK Members
1:30- 4:30 pm Hidden throws in forms*. £15 SSK Members Non SSK members £25
Former training partners welcome . (SSK Members – Both sessions £20)
@ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
Specialist Guest Coach Grandmaster Rob Simpson (Rob previously did a sparring based workshop for SSK and we recognised moves from our forms – this time we’re examing all our forms for hidden throws and improving the ones we already know.
Unique oppotunity to learn Chinese throws direct from their source.
*Shuai Jiao ‘The Grandfather of Chinese Martial Arts’. (Chinese Wrestling), From world renowed Shuai Jiao Instructor and international referee with 40 years experience.
(European Director of Shuai Jiao, World Shuai Jiao Federation Deputy Secretary General)
Sunday 20th Regional Grading, @ 6:15pm @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
(if grading today, you can train in the lesson before FREE ! – if you mention you saw it here on SSK website)
Sunday 27th BCCMA Sports Coach First Aid Cert training course 10-4:30pm
@ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ Price: £30.00 non members £60
19-23 Oct IWUF Sanda and Taolu World Championships @ Shanghai, China.
(Squad selection based upon GB Squad training ** and Comp results) September 2019
Sunday 15th BCCMA Basic Biomechanics – (Injury awareness and Sports Rehab.) @ 12:30- 5pm @ Dan Tien, Watford
WD24 6NJ (£20 BCCMA members, £60 non members)
July 2019 (no events in Aug)
Saturday 7th BCCMA British Sparring Championships @ Woodside Athletic Centre, Watford. (whole day Sanda and Qinda) (SSK team of 7, won 6 National medals)
Tues 23rd Regional Grading @ 8:30pm @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
(prepare at Nic’s class 7:30pm in same hall)
Sat 27th Regional Grading @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @5:30pm
(and potentially Picnic after in Potters Field !)
June 2019
Sunday 2nd Regional Grading in Taolu competition format* and Sanda comp option @ 6pm, @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ
(*Grading candidates: 3 forms on the day; Your grading form twice [best mark used] plus 1 revision form – ‘dress rehearsal’ for later comps )
Sunday 8th Black Belt Grading, @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN
May 2019
Sunday 5th BCCMA Coaching Course Level 2: @ 10am-5pm, @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ
(£15 BCCMA members only subsidised course, other L2 venues available – Epsom: 12/5/19 Beckenham: 1/6/19 + 3/8/19)
Saturday 18th Regional Grading in Taolu competition format* and Sanda comp option @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @time TBC
(*Grading candidates: 3 forms on the day; Your grading form twice [best mark used] plus 1 revision form – ‘dress rehearsal’ for later comps )
April 2019
Sunday 14th BCCMA Fitness Assessment, (Improve your Fitness Training) @ 10am-5pm @ Dan Tien, Watford, WD24 6NJ
(£25 BCCMA members, £65 non members. )
Booking via All SSK members are BCCMA members, you will need to contact Tanja ( if you don’t have your current BCCMA membership number.
March 2019
Saturday 2nd BCCMA Sanda Fight Night @ 2pm-10pm @ K2 Centre Crawley, RH11 9BQ
(We have fighters participating in this amateur, semi Pro and Pro event, come along and support them.)
Saturday 2nd Regional Grading @ Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @5:30pm (after 4pm class)
Sunday 17th Regional Grading, @ 6:15pm @ Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
(if grading today, you can train in the lesson before FREE ! – if you mention you saw it here on SSK website)
NB. Grading requirements: 1. SSK uniform. 2. Instructor signed grading application form, 3. £15 grading fee
February 2019
( 5th Feb Chinese New Year – year of the Pig) Do we want to go out for a meal after the nutrition workshop again? or do another day?!
Sun Feb 17th BCCMA Nutrition Workshop (Eat better, train better) @ 10:00-5pm @ Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ
(£25 BCCMA members, £65 non members. )
Booking via All SSK members are BCCMA members, you will need to contact Tanja ( if you don’t have your current BCCMA membership number.
January 2019
14th -18th (5 days x 3 hours/day)
SSK Intensive kickboxing course in conjunction with ID Intensive: BASSC Martial Unarmed (Accredited) 9 day course
(SSK members can train for 3 hours every day, concluding with grading on Friday 18th @12:15
(contact David SSK or Ronin at ID for details – SSK members are welcome to join the SSK segments of this course)
Friday 18th Regional Grading, @ 12:15 @Carole Young Community Centre, 1st Floor, Cranston Estate, London N1 5EH(recommend candidates attend 09:30 class before grading for final check – Grading at end of week long intensive course for actors, with students from previous courses who have continued their training in regular San Shou Kuan kickboxing classes, taking senior colour belts)
NB. Grading requirements: 1. SSK uniform. 2. Instructor signed grading application form, 3. £15 grading fee
December 2018
Sunday 2nd Black Belt Grading, Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ Doors Open 1pm Grading 1:30pm
(Incorporating the SSK 2018 Annual Awards)
SSK Annual Awards (commences after BB grading ends)
See link above for award details, Instructors Please note: if you have not maintained
monthly class register submissions, your students may be ineligible for some awards!)
Saturday 8th BCCMA Sanda Cup Sanshou Competition @ K2 Crawley, 12pm
Sunday 16th Regional Grading, Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
@ 6:15pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
(if grading today, you can train in the lesson before FREE ! – if you mention you saw it here on SSK website)
November 2018
Sunday 4th BCCMA National Tai Chi Championship at Hatfield (DN organising needs volunteers!)
Sunday 11th BCCMA Sports Psychology (develop winning mentality, combat competition anxiety) 1-4 pm Dan Tien, Watford
Saturday 24th Regional Grading, Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN 4pm
Saturday 24th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
October 2018
Sunday 7th Regional Grading, Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
Incorporated within the SSK Taolu & Sanda Tournament 2018
Saturday 27th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
Sunday 28th The SSK Development and Revision Workshop:
11 am-5 pm Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
Specialist Guest Coach Master Robert Simpson (Yuan Xiang)
Shuai Jiao (Chinese Wrestling), Top world class Shuai Jiao referee with 40 years experience.
(Day will mostly consist of SSK revision, with last 2 hours led by Rob for basic throws/take-downs and counters to stop someone throwing you whilst free sparring / or defending yourself ! – members who book full day online in advance get £10 discount) SSK Development and Revision Course
September 2018
Sunday 16th BCCMA Basic Biomechanics – (Injury awareness and Sports Rehab.) 1- 4pm Dan Tien, Watford.
(7 SSK members attended and passed )
(Sunday 23rd BCCMA National Taolu competition – Wushu forms: traditional and modern)
Saturday 29th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
August 2018
Saturday 25th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
July 2018
Sunday 15th BCCMA Qing Da Championship (Juniors, Adults, Veterans) Hatfield Sports Campus.
(SSK won medals in all 3 categories – Juniors, Adults, Veterans, Gold 2 x Silver and Bronze)
Friday 20th Regional Grading 12:00 Carole Young Community Centre, 1st floor, Cranston Estate, N1 5EH.
bring: 1. SSK uniform. 2. Instructor signed grading app form, 3. £15 grading fee (Note lunchtime grading)
(Grading at end of week intensive course for actors, with students from previous courses who have continued their training in regular San Shou Kuan kickboxing classes, taking senior colour belts)
Saturday 28th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
June 2018
Saturday 2nd BLACK BELT GRADING Tokei Centre London Bridge SE1 2EN
Sunday 10th Regional Grading, Dan Tien Centre, Watford, WD24 6NJ
Saturday 30th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
Saturday 30th BCCMA Sanda and Qing Da Judges course at K2 Centre ( will join squad training for practical judging experience – Highly recommended for all fighters and coaches. £ Free course ! ( 5 SSK instructors attended, 4 were certified at recent National comp )
May 2018
Sunday 6th BCCMA Coaching Course Level 2 10am-5pm, Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ ( 4 SSK instructors attended, 4 new instructors were certified)
Wed 16th-26th European Wu Shu Championships, Moscow
Saturday 26th Regional Grading, Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN
April 2018
Sunday 22nd BCCMA Fitness Assessment, (Improve your Fitness Training) 10am-5pm Dan Tien, Watford, WD24 6NJ
( 6SSK instructors and Sanda fighters attended, all were certified)
Saturday 28th GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
March 2018
Sat March 3rd GB Sanda Squad Selection for European Championships K2 Centre Crawley, 11:30-20:00 RH11 9BQ
Saturday 17th Regional Grading, Tokei Centre, London Bridge, SE1 2EN @ 4pm (doors open 3pm)
Incorporated within SSK Taolu & Sanda Tournament 2018
Saturday 31st GB Sanda Squad Training K2 Centre Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
February 2018
Sun Feb 18th BCCMA Nutrition Workshop (Eat better, train better) 10:00-5pm Dan Tien, Watford WD24 6NJ
( 10 SSK instructors and Sanda fighters attended, all were certified)
Sun Feb 18th Chinese New Year Meal, @8:00 Watford, After David’s regular 5:30 class.
Sat Feb 24th GB Sanda Squad Training K2, Crawley, 3-6pm RH11 9BQ
Sat March 3rd GB Sanda Squad Selection for European Championships K2 Centre Crawley, 11:30-20:00 RH11 9BQ
Sun Dec 3rd 2017 Black Belt Grading @ Dan Tien, Watford @ 1 pm
SSK Annual Awards (commences after BB grading ends)
See link above for award details, Instructors Please note: if you have not maintained
monthly class register submissions, your students may be ineligible for some awards!)
Sunday 17th September @ Dan Tien, Watford @ 3pm
Taolu and Sanda competitions, workshops including Regional grading (forms and sparring )
(Stage 2) Taolu & Sanda Championships
British Rail: Watford Junction – short walk away and your Oyster card is valid
Underground: Watford (Met. Line)
Free car Park behind building and unrestricted parking on surrounding roads.
[travel times: Brent Cross to M1Jn.5 20mins; Euston to Watford Jnc. 15 mins]
London grading: Sun Nov. 26th @ tbc @ Bethnal Green Class tbc
Watford grading: Sunday Dec 17th @ 6:15pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
(if grading today, you can train in the lesson before FREE ! – if you mention you saw it here on SSK website)
London grading Friday 4th August @ lunchtime @ end of ID intensive course, Old Street – details to be confirmed..
( Watford grading Sun. 17th Sep, incorporated into Sanda/Taolu comp and revision Workshops at Dan Tien, Watford. )
July 31st to 4th August ( 1 upto 5 days x 3 hours/day)
SSK Intensive novice kickboxing course in conjunction with ID Intensive: BASSC Martial Unarmed (Accredited)
9 day course Mon 31/07/17 to Tue 08/08/17: 09:00-17:00
(SSK members can train for 3 hours every day, concluding with grading on Friday 4th @ time tbc (‘lunchtime’ grading)
BCCMA 2017 National SanDa, QinDa and Taolu championships.
July 16th at Hatfield Sports Campus
London grading: Sat May 20th @ tbc @ Tokei, London Bridge
Watford grading: Sunday June 11th @ 6:15pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
Sunday June 4th
Black Belt Grading @ Tokei, London Bridge @ 2.30pm
Sun. May 14th, Watford.
Training and Coaching workshop @1-3 pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ Watford
Destruction techniques workshop @ 3-5 pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ Watford
(click here for details and registration open to all martial artists, recommended for SSK orange to Senior Black Belts)
Sun. 5th March 2017 @Tokei, London Bridge. @3pm (doors open 2:30)
Taolu (forms) and Sanda (sparring )competitions, knife disarm workshop, and Regional grading
(Stage 1) of the Taolu/Sanda Tournament
8th October Taolu and Sanda competitions @2:45pm @ Dan Tien, Watford (forms and sparring )
Stage 2 of the Competitor of the Year Award
Week long training session in Central London in the first week of January (5th to 8th ) Finished
6th March the Annual Revision Day & AGM – click here to register .. Finished
Last week of February through to the first week of March.
Watford grading 13th March, @ 6:30pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
London grading 20th March, @7:15pm MOVED to Eastbourne House Arts E2 0PT (Jon A. Bethnal Green class)
30th April Taolu and Sanda competitions @2pm @Tokei (forms and sparring )
Stage 1 of the Competitor of the Year Award
Date: Sat April 30th 2016 @ 5:15pm (Sanda CHECK IN deadline 4:30pm )
Venue: Tokei Centre (The Hidden Gym) 28 Magdalen Street off Tooley Street SE1 2EN
Travel: Very limited parking on some streets.
Underground: London Bridge (5 mins’ walk) Northern Line + Jubilee Line
or Tower Hill (10 mins’ walk) Circle Line + District Line
British Rail: London Bridge (5 mins’ walk)
Nearest DLR: Tower Gateway
(Sanda entrants, must be 18+ years – an event for younger members is TBC )
BCCMA AGM: 21st May, @ 2-4pm @ Imperial Hotel, WC1B 5BB
ask David for feedback and what was discussed.
Last week of May through to the first week of June
17th July BCCMA Championships 2016 (Taolu and Sanda)
Medway Kent
1st to 9th August SSK Intensive novice kickboxing course in conjunction with ID Intensive: BASSC Martial Unarmed (Accredited) Mon 01/08/16 to Tue 09/08/16: 09:00-17:00
Last week of August through to first week of September
17th September 2016, Sanda Fight Night 6 @6pm @ Harrow Leisure Centre (forms and sparring )
Night of professional fighter from Europe competing for various titles including British and European titles.
(British fight Ryan competing against a dutch fight for European Sanda title )
8th October Taolu and Sanda competitions @2:45pm @Dan Tien (forms and sparring )
Stage 2 of the Competitor of the Year Award
26th November 2016 Black Belt Grading @Dan Tien Watford
SSK Annual Awards (commences after BB grading ends)
17th July BCCMA Championships (Taolu and Sanda) Medway Kent
SSK will be entering fighters into the Sanda (full contact free sparring) Championships again
– speak to Dave or Pete if interested
1st to 5th August SSK Intensive novice kickboxing course in conjunction with ID Intensive: BASSC Martial Unarmed (Accredited) Mon 01/08/16 to Tue 09/08/16: 09:00-17:00
Venue: Carole Young Community Centre, 1st Floor, Daniell House, Cranston Estate, London, N1 5EH
Last week of August through to first week of September
5th Aug, @ 11:30am @ Carole Young Community Centre, 1st Floor, Daniell House, Cranston Estate, London, N1 5EH
(this will be at end of SSK intensive course, all SSK members can attend: SSK uniform, signed grading form and £15 grading fee required)
Watford grading 4th Sep, @ 6:30pm @Dan Tien WD24 6NJ (after First hour of David’s Sunday class)
Training for the British Sanda Squad is open to all who have competed in the BCCMA National Championships. led by Paniko and Nick Evagorou.
(Nick is a former Olympic Bronze medalist from Beijing and Bronze medalist from the 2015 World Championships in Jakarta, Indonesia.)
(and International Sanda Judges certification course )
(Note: no workshops in May due to the European Wushu Championships in Moscow)
2nd QUARTER 2016
(Note: no workshops in July due to the BCCMA Championships in Kent)
3rd QUARTER 2016
(Note: no workshops in December)
4th QUARTER 2017
Please ensure your BCCMA licence is current at the time of each workshop you attend.
We have two new classes lined up to start in 2016; both in London.
Jon Alogoa opened a class in Bethnal Green E2 0PT
Anne Nilsson will be opening a class in Lambeth, and both would welcome your support.